Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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New Checklist: Information Request Checklist
Eval Academy just released a new checklist for anyone who’s about to start a new evaluation project. Use this checklist to make sure you’re gathering the information necessary to support your evaluation endeavour. This checklist can act as a support tool for you to make sure you have the context you need when starting an evaluation.
New Tip Sheet: Tips For Conducting Interviews
Eval Academy just released a new tip sheet for Conducting Interviews. If you will be conducting interviews in your evaluation, then this tip sheet is for you! Whether you’re new to the process or have conducted interviews before, this tip sheet provides a good overview and refresher to make your next interview experience a great one.
What You Need To Know About Member Checking
While member checking is commonly used in qualitative research, it’s less commonly used in evaluation and we think that should change! In this article, we’ll review what member checking is and why, when, and how you should use it.
Sampling And Recruitment 101
You’ve got your evaluation plan; you’ve developed your data collection tools and you’re ready to go live with collecting the data you need to answer your evaluation questions. Step 1: Identify your sample. Step 2. Recruitment. But how do you get participants to take part in the data collection process?
Top Tips For Using A Real-Time Interpreter In Interviews And Focus Groups
In this article, we share our top tips for running an interview or focus group using a real-time interpreter & reflect on a recent online focus group I completed that utilized an Arabic interpreter.
New Template: Interview Tracking Log
Eval Academy just released a new template, “Interview Tracking Log.” This template is available as a Word document as well as an Excel file! This Interview Tracking Log can be used by anyone who will be completing interviews to collect qualitative data.
Developmental Evaluation: An Overview
Recently, we’ve had several clients ask us about Developmental Evaluation (DE) including what it is and how it’s done. So we’ve pulled together a few main points about DE in this article.
Sampling Bias: Identifying And Avoiding Bias In Data Collection
Bias in evaluation is inevitable. Reflection helps us to identify our bias and when we do, it is necessary to identify sources of bias in our processes, eliminate which bias we can, and acknowledge which bias we cannot.
Developing A Logic Model - Check Out Our Templates!
Eval Academy has just released a new free template to help you Develop a Logic Model.
Incentives For Participation In Evaluation
In this article, we discuss different incentives for participation, explore the biases that offering an incentive can introduce, and guide you in deciding whether to offer an incentive, including what form and value that incentive should be.
How Do I Use The Kirkpatrick Model In Evaluation?
Kirkpatrick is probably one of those names/methods you’ve heard about in your evaluation career, but have you ever used it? In this article, we explain how to use the Kirkpatrick model in your evaluation planning, implementation, and reporting.
How To Complete An Environmental Scan: Avoiding The Rabbit Holes
This article is aimed at those who are new to environmental scanning and are looking for new ways to support program planning and improvement.
How To Develop A Theory Of Change For Evaluation
In this follow-up article, we will walk you through a step-by-step process of how you can develop your own ToC diagram for evaluation purposes.
What Is Theory Of Change In Evaluation?
This article aims to introduce you to Theory of Change (ToC) and is written for those who may have heard of this tool before but aren’t quite sure as to what it is and how it can be useful for evaluation.
The “Mixing” In Mixed Methods
Data integration is a way of merging these data from different sources through mixed methods. In this article, we discuss how qualitative and quantitative data can be integrated at the study design level, methods, or analysis level.
Finding The Right Sample Size (The Hard Way)
For those interested in calculating sample sizes by hand, or getting a better understanding of the math behind many sample size calculators, we outline the formulae used to calculate sample sizes.
Finding The Right Sample Size (The Easy Way)
In this article, we briefly define sample sizes, their importance, and how to calculate them (or how to use a tool to calculate them).
Everything You Need To Know About Likert Scales
The Likert scale is one of the more commonly used rating scales in surveys. As evaluators, we should know a thing or two about it, and how to navigate some of the decisions involved in using a Likert scale.
Consent Part 2: Do I Need To Get consent? How Do I Do That?
Is consent always needed? How do I obtain consent? In this article, we discuss the principles and considerations involved in obtaining consent for evaluation data collection.
Consent Part 1: What Is Informed Consent
As an evaluator, a big part of our role is to collect data. Sometimes that data comes from administrative databases that require data sharing agreements, but sometimes it comes from people, who need to consent to sharing their information (or data) with you. So let’s talk about what consent is (and isn’t).