New Template: Stratified Sampling Tool (Single Strata)
August 2024
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Eval Academy just released a new template, “Stratified Sampling Tool”!
Who’s it for?
The Stratified Sampling Tool is designed for researchers, evaluators, and data analysts who need to collect representative samples from large datasets. Anyone dealing with diverse populations and needing to ensure fair representation across different subgroups will find this tool invaluable.
What’s the purpose?
In the world of data analysis and evaluation, getting a truly representative sample can be challenging. This is where the Stratified Sampling Tool comes in handy.
The primary purpose of the Stratified Sampling Tool is to generate a stratified random sample across independent strata. But what does that mean in practice?
Representative Sampling: It helps you capture a representative cross-section of a population, ensuring that all subgroups are adequately represented in your final sample.
Flexibility: The tool supports both proportionate and disproportionate stratified sampling, allowing you to tailor your approach based on your specific needs.
Precision: By dividing the population into homogeneous subgroups, it increases the precision of your sample, leading to more accurate results.
Studying Underrepresented Groups: With disproportionate sampling, you can focus on underrepresented groups that might be overlooked in simple random sampling.
Efficiency: It's especially useful when you have a large amount of data available and need a manageable, yet representative sample.
What is Stratified Sampling?
Stratified sampling is a sampling technique used to capture a representative cross-section of a population. Rather than randomly selecting individuals from a population as in random sampling, stratified sampling divides the sample or population of interest into distinct subgroups, or stratum, based on designated characteristics (e.g., gender, age range). With the population stratified, a random sample is taken from each of the stratum. This ensures that each subgroup is adequately represented in the final sample.
What’s included?
Our Stratified Sampling Tool includes 2 Excel files:
Stratified Sampling Tool for Single Strata – Sample Data Version (a non-editable example to show you how the tool is supposed to work)
Stratified Sampling Tool for Multiple Stratum – Data Input Version
The Stratified Sampling Tool file comes with an instructions tab for how to input your data and use the tool. Step-by-step instructions are included.
Learn more: related articles and links
You can learn more about sampling in evaluation on Eval Academy by checking out the following links: