Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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Data Dictionary: The What, Why And How
It is ideal to have a data dictionary whenever you have quantitative data that will be used and shared by multiple people or groups. Without precise definitions, it is very easy to arrive at different results while using the same dataset. In this article, we focus on how evaluators can (and should) clarify details about the data being used for evaluation. In other words, how and why build an evaluation-specific data dictionary.
Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Default Survey Platforms To Give You All The Answers
Don’t get us wrong, surveys are useful tools and we’re a fan of any survey platform that makes it easier to use the results. But what about when you want to scratch beneath the surface or present a legible graph that will convince the program director or funder that action needs to be taken? This is where the canned survey tools start to falter.
How We Used An Outcome Harvest
Recently we used outcome harvesting as part of a developmental evaluation. As with most developmental and participatory techniques, using this method was a bit time intensive, but the results were worth it! Here we share how we used the methodology and what we wished someone had told us before we started.
How To Transcribe Interviews Like A Pro
Evaluators have several options for transcribing audio from interviews, including voice-to-text software, outsourcing, and doing it ourselves. If you are taking the DIY approach, here are four tips to get you transcribing like a pro!
Common Issues When Entering Survey Data (And How To Solve Them)
Here, I share solutions to two challenges you are likely to come across while entering survey data: 1) coding complex question types and 2) dealing with unclear responses. Addressing these challenges will require some advanced coding that I did not cover in my first article.
Preventing Mistakes In Survey Data Entry
When entering survey data, it is important that it is accurate, easy to analyze, and fast. Use these tips to prevent mistakes from the beginning.
Three Steps For Painless Survey Data Entry
The most exciting part about conducting a survey is seeing the results – finally your hard work has come to fruition, and you get to hear what everybody had to say! But before you can get to that step, you need to transform the stack of paper surveys on your desk into useable data.
In this article, I share my three-step system for making survey data entry as easy and painless as possible, which comes from my experience designing, entering, and analyzing survey data.
Arts-Based Data Collection Techniques
We share the most salient points from a recent CES webinar about using art as a data collection method, presented by Jennica Nichols and Maya Lefkowich (of AND Implementation). Also, we expand upon how we've used arts-based data collection techniques here at Eval Academy and Three Hive Consulting and how we could be using them in the future.
Four Common Data Entry Mistakes (And How To Fix Them)
This article addresses four common mistakes made with data entry and offers suggestions to improve data entry to increase the overall productivity and, let us not forget, happiness of your colleagues, collaborators, and evaluators.
Hosting Great Virtual Sessions
Whether due to global pandemics, restricted travel budgets, or stakeholders flung across the world, evaluators should be prepared to facilitate virtual meetings or sessions. We've taken the guesswork out of how to facilitate a great virtual session and have rounded up our best tips and tricks.
How To Conduct Interviews
This step-by-step guide is focused on one-on-one 30 minute telephone interviews. However, many of the tips shared can be applied to in person or group interviews, and interviews of differing time lengths and research interests.