Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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New Infographic: Qualitative Data Saturation
Eval Academy just released a new infographic about qualitative data saturation. This infographic is for those who collect or who will be collecting qualitative data and are looking to support the validity of their results. It’s a helpful resource for those who are both new and experienced in evaluation!
3 Easy Ways To Quantify Your Qualitative Data
You’ve completed your qualitative data collection and you’re writing up your report. You step back and look at All. The. Text. If only you had some quantitative data to include in a chart, or some numbers to report! In this article, we talk about 3 ways you can quantify your qualitative data.
The “Mixing” In Mixed Methods
Data integration is a way of merging these data from different sources through mixed methods. In this article, we discuss how qualitative and quantitative data can be integrated at the study design level, methods, or analysis level.
Interpreting Themes From Qualitative Data: Thematic Analysis
This article supports evaluators who are new to qualitative data analysis. We start by defining thematic analysis, then give you a 5-step process to complete your own analysis. We end the article by highlighting some common challenges with thematic analysis.
Grab The Cake, It's Time For A Data Party! Benefits Of And How To Run Your Own
So you've successfully gathered the data you need to evaluate your program. But how do you engage stakeholders and partners to ensure a thorough understanding of the results? A data party could be part of the answer!
A Beginner’s Guide To PivotTables
If you work with data in Excel, whether frequently or infrequently, learning the basics of PivotTables will improve your ability to quickly explore and analyze raw data.
The Data Cleaning Toolbox
The end goal of collecting data is to eventually draw meaningful insights from said data. However, the transition from raw data to meaningful insights is not always a linear path. Data are prone to human-error and this guide will help you correct those errors, as well as provide tips on how to minimize these errors in the future.
Let Excel Do The Math: Easy Tricks To Clean And Analyze Data In Excel
One of the most common things I see when I work data in excel that others have compiled or analyzed is the under-use of Excel’s computational powers. In part, this has to do with setting up your data correctly to all Excel to do the work.
Cleaning Messy Text Data Is A Breeze With OpenRefine
We’ve all been there – you get some data from a client or a survey you’ve run, and you can’t wait to start answering your evaluation questions. But you find one of your data columns is a complete mess because it was an open-ended text field.
Cleaning this messy data can be a day-ruining task - but this doesn’t have to be! I’m going to show you how to use OpenRefine to make this task a million times easier.
How To “Quantify” Qualitative Data
In qualitative approaches, we want to describe, to present details and nuances and interesting outliers. But as evaluators, we need to do more than just report what is—we need to comment on what it means. In familiar evaluation terms, moving from the “what” to “so what?”
This framework can help you to consistently “quantify” qualitative findings.