
Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.

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Playing The Fool: Why Asking A Few Silly Questions Makes You A Better Evaluator

Discover why asking silly questions can make you a better evaluator. This article reveals how injecting humor and curiosity into evaluation discussions can foster open dialogue, encourage critical thinking, and drive meaningful change.

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Evaluative Thinking: What Does It Mean And Why Does It Matter?

Unleash the power of evaluative thinking in our data-driven world! This article explores how evaluative thinking goes beyond data analysis alone; it involves a systematic and reflective approach to understanding the effectiveness and impact of actions, programs, and decisions. Discover why evaluative thinking matters for informed decision-making, accountability, and fostering innovation.

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The Power Of Self-Reflection In Evaluation

As one of the Canadian Evaluation Society’s core competencies, self-reflection is powerful tool in bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and practical implementation. This article explores the importance of self-reflection in the work of evaluators, provides suggestions on practicing self-reflection, and discusses the benefits of engaging in the practice.

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