Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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Transitioning A Project To A New Evaluation Lead
Taking over a complex evaluation project can be a daunting experience, especially when it happens unexpectedly. This article offers practical insights and actionable advice drawn from real-world experience, providing a roadmap for managing a smooth transition.
Consent Part 2: Do I Need To Get consent? How Do I Do That?
Is consent always needed? How do I obtain consent? In this article, we discuss the principles and considerations involved in obtaining consent for evaluation data collection.
Consent Part 1: What Is Informed Consent
As an evaluator, a big part of our role is to collect data. Sometimes that data comes from administrative databases that require data sharing agreements, but sometimes it comes from people, who need to consent to sharing their information (or data) with you. So let’s talk about what consent is (and isn’t).
How To Conduct Interviews
This step-by-step guide is focused on one-on-one 30 minute telephone interviews. However, many of the tips shared can be applied to in person or group interviews, and interviews of differing time lengths and research interests.