Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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(Mostly Free) Resources For Learning How To Code Qualitative Data
Discover our favourite list of free resources to learn qualitative data coding, including step-by-step tutorials and practical guides. Use this list to improve your ability to analyze non-numerical data effectively for research and evaluation purposes.
Common Issues When Entering Survey Data (And How To Solve Them)
Here, I share solutions to two challenges you are likely to come across while entering survey data: 1) coding complex question types and 2) dealing with unclear responses. Addressing these challenges will require some advanced coding that I did not cover in my first article.
Preventing Mistakes In Survey Data Entry
When entering survey data, it is important that it is accurate, easy to analyze, and fast. Use these tips to prevent mistakes from the beginning.
Three Steps For Painless Survey Data Entry
The most exciting part about conducting a survey is seeing the results – finally your hard work has come to fruition, and you get to hear what everybody had to say! But before you can get to that step, you need to transform the stack of paper surveys on your desk into useable data.
In this article, I share my three-step system for making survey data entry as easy and painless as possible, which comes from my experience designing, entering, and analyzing survey data.
How To “Quantify” Qualitative Data
In qualitative approaches, we want to describe, to present details and nuances and interesting outliers. But as evaluators, we need to do more than just report what is—we need to comment on what it means. In familiar evaluation terms, moving from the “what” to “so what?”
This framework can help you to consistently “quantify” qualitative findings.