Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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Evaluation As Self-Care For Your Program
Discover how evaluation serves as essential self-care for your program. Just as individuals benefit from reflection and enhancement, our programs thrive with regular evaluation to assess strengths, monitor progress, and promote ongoing improvement. Explore how integrating evaluation into your program’s routine can enhance resilience, streamline operations, and ensure long-term viability.
New Template: Logic Model Template Using Canva Whiteboard
This Logic Model template is for anyone who wants to make Logic Models that look professional and visually interesting. This Canva design template can be customized to create your own Logic Model, suited to your evaluation needs. The professional design of this template makes it easy to create a visually interesting Logic Model to present to clients, share on a website, or submit in a report.
New Template: Canva Design Templates For Creating Your Qwn Logic Model!
Eval Academy just released two new Canva design templates for creating your own Logic Model! Whether you’re new to evaluation or if evaluation is your main role, these Canva design templates are for anyone who wants to design a Logic Model to be more visually appealing.
Developing A Logic Model - Check Out Our Templates!
Eval Academy has just released a new free template to help you Develop a Logic Model.