Explore our latest articles, developed by our team of evaluators and special guests, grounded in real-world experience to support your evaluation practice—whether you're a beginner or an expert.
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When Not To Evaluate
Evaluating a program is crucial for understanding its impact and effectiveness. However, there are situations where it might not be the right time to conduct an evaluation. This article will help you to determine if now is the time to evaluate your program.
Transitioning A Project To A New Evaluation Lead
Taking over a complex evaluation project can be a daunting experience, especially when it happens unexpectedly. This article offers practical insights and actionable advice drawn from real-world experience, providing a roadmap for managing a smooth transition.
New Template: Canva Design Templates For Creating Your Qwn Logic Model!
Eval Academy just released two new Canva design templates for creating your own Logic Model! Whether you’re new to evaluation or if evaluation is your main role, these Canva design templates are for anyone who wants to design a Logic Model to be more visually appealing.
Sampling And Recruitment 101
You’ve got your evaluation plan; you’ve developed your data collection tools and you’re ready to go live with collecting the data you need to answer your evaluation questions. Step 1: Identify your sample. Step 2. Recruitment. But how do you get participants to take part in the data collection process?
New Template: Interview Tracking Log
Eval Academy just released a new template, “Interview Tracking Log.” This template is available as a Word document as well as an Excel file! This Interview Tracking Log can be used by anyone who will be completing interviews to collect qualitative data.
New Infographic: 10 Reasons To Evaluate!
Eval Academy just released a new infographic, “10 Reasons to Evaluate.” This infographic is for Program Managers and Program Leaders who are thinking about implementing an evaluation and are looking for a little inspiration as to why evaluating this year is a good idea!
Implementation Science: The Best Thing You’ve Never Heard Of As An Evaluator
Being knowledgeable about Implementation Science can only make our evaluation work stronger.
Developing A Logic Model - Check Out Our Templates!
Eval Academy has just released a new free template to help you Develop a Logic Model.