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Why You Should Evaluate Your Healthcare Program: Lessons From Three Hive Consulting

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At Eval Academy, we recently wrote about why you should evaluate your non-profit program. If you missed it, you can read it here. In the next installment of our series, we shift our focus to the vital role of evaluation in the healthcare sector.

If you work within the healthcare sector and are curious about how evaluation can transform your practice, keep reading!  

In the complex world of healthcare, understanding how effective your services are isn't just important, it can be a game-changer. Evaluation does more than just review performance; it's a crucial tool that helps make decisions, improve patient care, and spark new ideas. With the healthcare sector facing unique challenges and constant changes, using evaluation wisely is key to achieving better outcomes and navigating hurdles toward success.

This article will offer you evidence about why evaluation is so critical for the healthcare sector. We'll share practical advice and an example from the field courtesy of Three Hive Consulting.

Why Does Evaluation Matter for Healthcare?

Program evaluation supports the healthcare sector in several ways: 

Navigates Complexity: The healthcare sector's landscape is continually transformed by rapid advancements in technology, evolving patient expectations, and changing public health objectives. Evaluation serves as a guide, helping you navigate through the complexities of the sector, ensuring you stay adaptable and responsive to changes.

Informs Strategy: By offering a comprehensive and systematic approach to assessing programs and policies, evaluation empowers you with data-driven insights. These insights support strategic decision-making, ensuring that strategies are not just well-informed but are also aligned with the overarching goals for optimal patient care and operational efficiency.

Measures Effectiveness: Through objective measurement and analysis, evaluation determines the effectiveness of healthcare services and interventions. This allows you to identify high-impact practices, scale successful interventions, and discontinue or modify those that do not meet desired outcomes, ensuring the best use of resources and maximizing patient benefits.

Enhances Patient Experience: Patient-centered care is at the heart of healthcare. Evaluation can delve into patient experiences, gathering valuable feedback directly from those served by healthcare systems. This insight is critical for tailoring your services to meet patient needs more effectively, improving satisfaction, and ultimately care outcomes.

Boosts Accountability: In an era where transparency is increasingly demanded by patients, funders, and regulatory bodies, evaluation serves as a foundational element of accountability. By documenting processes, outcomes, and challenges, you can transparently demonstrate your commitment to quality care, ethical practices, and continuous improvement.

Justifies Investments: Healthcare organizations often face scrutiny regarding how resources are allocated and the impact of their programs. Through careful evaluation, you can provide evidence of your contributions to public health, justify the need for current and future investments, and secure funding by demonstrating value and effectiveness. This evidence-based approach ensures that resources are directed towards interventions that offer the greatest benefit to patient health and system sustainability.

Three Hive’s Tips for Effective Evaluation of Healthcare Programs: 

  1. Set Clear and Specific Objectives: Whether it's improving patient outcomes, reducing readmission rates, or enhancing patient satisfaction, having specific goals tailors your evaluation to your program’s unique challenges and sets clear benchmarks for measuring success.

  2. Engage a Wide Range of Partners: Involve diverse partners specific to your healthcare program, such as patients, family caregivers, healthcare professionals, policy makers, and insurance providers. This approach ensures your evaluation captures the multifaceted impact of your services from every angle, providing a holistic view of your program’s effectiveness.

  3. Utilize Mixed Methods for Comprehensive Insights: Combine quantitative data, like patient health metrics, with qualitative insights like patient and provider experiences. This blend is crucial in healthcare, where both statistical outcomes and qualitative experiences play key roles in understanding a program's success.

  4. Foster a Learning Environment Focused on Healthcare Innovation: Promote a culture where continuous learning, based on evaluation findings, drives improvements and innovations in care delivery. For example, encourage your team to apply these learnings to explore new digital tools, care models, or patient engagement strategies.

  5. Collaborate with Healthcare Evaluation Specialists: For complex evaluations, consider partnering with experts who specialize in healthcare such as us at Three Hive Consulting! We bring not only methodological expertise but also a deep understanding of the healthcare sector's nuances, contributing to more relevant, actionable evaluation outcomes.

  6. Develop Healthcare-Specific Evaluation Skills: Ensure your team has the right mix of evaluation skills and healthcare knowledge. This might involve training on both general evaluation techniques and their application within the healthcare setting. Leveraging free articles and resources from Eval Academy (and following us on LinkedIn!) can equip your team with the necessary expertise to turn evaluation findings into impactful healthcare improvements. You can also learn more about evaluating your own program through our new, online course: Program Evaluation for Program Managers.

Supporting Healthcare Excellence Through Evaluation: Real-World Experiences from Three Hive Consulting 

Three Hive Consulting combines expert evaluation skills with experience in enhancing healthcare. Dedicated to providing practical insights and fostering growth, Three Hive has helped a myriad of healthcare organizations improve their services and achieve better outcomes.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for remote healthcare solutions became more apparent than ever, particularly for patients with chronic conditions. Three Hive Consulting took on the task of evaluating a home health monitoring project aimed at this demographic, offering a prime example of adapting healthcare services to meet urgent needs while ensuring quality and effectiveness.

Launched in the summer of 2020, the project provided patients with chronic conditions free monitoring kits and tablets for 90 days. The kits enabled patients to regularly report vital health data, which primary care nurses monitored for significant changes, allowing for timely interventions. The initiative aimed to improve care accessibility, reduce COVID-19 exposure risk, enable early symptom detection, optimize physician time, enhance self-management, decrease hospital visits, and maintain or improve quality of life.

The evaluation, conducted with inputs from multiple healthcare partners, focused on project reach, provider experience, patient experience, and patient health outcomes. Using a combination of surveys, document reviews, interviews, and clinical data, the aim was to assess the project's effectiveness and inform its future scalability.

The evaluation yielded valuable insights, confirming the project's potential for expansion, and highlighting areas for improvement. It also served as a crucial communication tool for engaging new participants and partners. Armed with lessons from the first phase, the second phase of the project expanded the evaluation scope to include system-level health data, aiming to build a more robust evidence base for operational, policy, and funding decisions.

This case study not only demonstrates the practical application of evaluation in a virtual health context but also underscores the importance of flexibility, communication, and partner engagement in the evaluation process. You can read more on this case study here.

Some of our other healthcare clients include: BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, Healthcare Excellence Canada, Health Quality Council of Alberta, Vancouver Coastal Health

Embark on Your Evaluation Journey

As healthcare continues to rapidly evolve, the need for robust and sustainable evaluation frameworks becomes more pronounced. Evaluation is not just about measurement; it's a strategic asset that can propel healthcare organizations toward excellence, innovation, and heightened patient care.

If your healthcare organization is ready to harness the transformative power of evaluation, Three Hive Consulting offers the expertise and experience to guide you.  In the pursuit of healthcare excellence, evaluation is your most strategic ally!