Available Now: Evaluation Coaching
July 2020
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Sometimes online resources just aren’t enough. Some questions call for discussion, for a second opinion – a coach. That’s why Eval Academy offers an evaluation coaching service.
What is it?
An evaluation coach works with you on your evaluation goals, helping you to understand where and how to improve. You can evaluate – and you can do it better with a coach. Evaluation coaching can help you with:
Developing your logic model
Understanding stakeholder resistance
Strengthening your evaluation plan
Choosing your methods
Editing your interview guides and surveys
Crafting your recruitment strategy
Overhauling your charts
Transforming your evaluation reports
Who is it for?
An evaluation coaching session is ideal for those who need a little help in defining their evaluation plans, who aren’t sure if they’re choosing the right method, or who want an extra layer of review for their data collection tools. If you’re not sure how to get started with your logic model, evaluation coaching is for you. If you don’t want to hire an evaluator to conduct your evaluation but need a little inspiration, evaluation coaching is for you. Emerging evaluators can benefit by having a second opinion on their plans.
What’s involved?
In an evaluation coaching session, you set the direction. You’ll tell your coach what you want help with, and your coach will support your growth by answering questions and posing a few of their own. Your coach may send you additional resources or tips by email after your session is over. You may have just one session, or you may schedule a series to work through your questions in greater depth.
Who is the coach?
Your coach is a Credentialed Evaluator – that means they have the skills, knowledge and practical experience to be recognized as a competent evaluator. Your coach lives and breathes evaluation (well, at least most of the time) and loves to talk about the discipline. With over 15 years of experience in the research and evaluation fields, you’ll be well supported by your evaluation coach, Shelby Corley.
How does this work?
Start by following this link to our Teachable page to fill out the intake form. You’ll pay for and schedule your appointment, then receive a link to a video call platform. If you have documents to share, you can send them by email to your coach, or share your screen during your coaching session.
Evaluation coaching is not…
Coaching is not a replacement for basic training – there are more cost-effective ways to get the basics down first. Don’t think of a coaching session as a replacement for a research ethics board or an institutional review board, either – while your coach can certainly help to strengthen your project’s ethics, they can’t grant approval for anything (sorry!). Evaluation coaching is not a replacement for in-depth training in analysis – if you need a statistics refresher, this is not the place. Evaluation coaching is not a replacement for a consultant – your coach won’t do your evaluation for you, but they will help you do it better yourself.
What does it cost?
A lot less than hiring a consultant! Each session is a full hour, and you’ll only invest $200 Canadian.
Are there discounts available?
Discount codes are sometimes included in the Eval Academy newsletter – sign up so you don’t miss out.
Still not sure?
If you’re not sure if evaluation coaching is right for you, send us a quick email and we’ll help you decide.