Evaluation Roundup - October 2021

October 2021

Welcome to our monthly roundup of new and noteworthy evaluation news and resources – here is the latest.

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New and Noteworthy — Reads

Impact assessment and evaluation tools handbook

LIAISON, an EU-funded research and innovation project, recently funded the development of a handbook that contains tools for evaluation and impact assessment of any initiative involving interactive innovation. They define ‘interactive innovation’ as “the collaboration between various actors to make the best use of complementary types of knowledge (scientific, practical, organizational., etc.) in view of co-creation and diffusion of solutions/opportunities ready to implement in practice.” The handbook contains 37 tools to evaluate and assess the impact of interactive innovation. Each tool is simply explained in a step-by-step format and contains the purpose, background, and logic for the tool.

Evaluation of International Development Interventions

The Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank has a document titled Evaluation of International Development Interventions: An Overview of Approaches and Methods. The document was produced to support evaluators in broadening their methodological repertoire so evaluators can better match methodologies with evaluation questions – particularly in a world of increasing complexity. The guide provides an overview of evaluation approaches and methods that have been used in international development evaluation. The overview of each approach and methods contains a brief description, variations in the approach, steps in the approach, advantages and disadvantages of the approach, and a list of additional resources related to the approach.

A guide for using administrative data to examine long-term outcomes

The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently published a guide focused on how to use administrative data as a potentially low-cost way to track long-term effects of policy or program interventions. The guide is intended for evaluation teams, including funders, sponsors and evaluation research partners, and is structured to address three phases of effort: 1) Consider the value and practicality of long-term follow-up, 2) Prepare for long term follow-up by identifying and satisfying necessary legal and human subjects research requirements, and 3) Assess the data to determine if it is suitable for answering the proposed questions.

A guide for developing an RFP for evaluation services

We’ve all come across poor RFPs. When it comes to RFPs for evaluation this is a common occurrence. If you commission evaluations or know someone who does, then take a look at this guide created by Public Profit. The guide outlines key questions that should be addressed in the RFP, documents that should be shared, and logistics to consider through the procurement process.

Network training and toolkit

Converge has a thorough toolkit that includes templates and guides for network leaders. The templates and guides can be used throughout the network design and development process. It includes network charter templates, framing questions, group agreements, an inventory of tech tools, and a lot more!

New and Noteworthy — Courses & Events


  • Organized by: American Evaluation Association

  • Date: November 8 – 12, 2021

  • Type: Virtual Conference

Participatory Evaluation: Community-Based Assessment and Strategic Learning Practices

  • Organized by: Tamarack Institute

  • Date(s): November 17, 2021

  • Type: Virtual Workshop

Applying the “L” in MEL (Measurement, Evaluation & Learning)

  • Organized by: Clear Horizon Academy

  • Date: November 26, 2021

  • Type: Online Course

Evaluation ManagemenT

  • Organized by: EnCompass Learning Center

  • Date: December 7, 9, 14, & 16

  • Type: Online Course


The Data Cleaning Toolbox


From Data To Actionable Insights